class Updater(
This class is responsible for updating the real DOM based on the differences identified by the Searcher.
It receives a list of patches from the Searcher and creates corresponding tasks for each patch. These tasks are then enqueued for execution by the Hydrator's tasker.
async def update(self, patches: List, id: str) -> None:
Updates the real DOM based on the provided patches.
patches: A list of patches containing the operation name, the new child node, the path of the child, and the context for the updater.
id: The ID of the component to be updated.
while patches:
prev_node_id, diffed_node, path, op = patches.pop(0)
# print("operation", op, prev_node_id)
if op["name"] == ADD_NODE:
async def task(dn=diffed_node, ci=id):
Adds a new node to the real DOM.
dn: The new child node to be added.
ci: The ID of the component to which the node should be added.
compiled_html = self.hyd_comp_compile_children(dn, ci, True)
parent_id = id + dn.path[0:-2] # last two digit in keyed uid is always level, index, so parent lives at the before
child_id = id + dn.path
self.hyd_rdom_append_child_after(parent_id, child_id, compiled_html)
self.hyd_tsk_enqueue_task(id, task)
if op["name"] == REMOVE_NODE:
async def task(d=diffed_node, c=prev_node_id):
Removes a node from the real DOM.
d: The node to be removed.
c: The ID of the component containing the node.
compiled_html = self.hyd_comp_compile_children(d, c, True)
# print("ADD_NODE compiled html", compiled_html)
self.hyd_tsk_enqueue_task(id, task)
if op["name"] == NODE_INNER_TEXT:
# avoid late binding
async def task(id=prev_node_id, c=op["context"]["text"]):
Updates the inner text of a node in the real DOM.
id: The ID of the node to be updated.
c: The new inner text.
self.hyd_rdom_replace_inner_text(id, c)
self.hyd_tsk_enqueue_task(id, task)
if op["name"] == ADD_ATTRIBUTE:
async def task(id=prev_node_id, op1=Attribute(op["context"]["attr_name"], op["context"]["attr_value"])):
Adds an attribute to a node in the real DOM.
id: The ID of the node to be updated.
op1: The attribute to be added.
self.hyd_rdom_set_attribute(id, op1)
self.hyd_tsk_enqueue_task(id, task)
if op["name"] == REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE:
async def task(id=prev_node_id, op1=op["context"]["attr_name"]):
Removes an attribute from a node in the real DOM.
id: The ID of the node to be updated.
op1: The name of the attribute to be removed.
self.hyd_rdom_remove_attribute(id, op1)
self.hyd_tsk_enqueue_task(id, task)
if op["name"] == REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE:
async def task(id=prev_node_id, op1=op["context"]["attr_name"]):
Replaces an attribute on a node in the real DOM.
id: The ID of the node to be updated.
op1: The name of the attribute to be replaced.
self.hyd_rdom_remove_attribute(id, op1)
self.hyd_tsk_enqueue_task(id, task)