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Represents a router for managing routes and navigation.

This class provides methods for adding routes, navigating between pages, and handling the current location.


Name Type Description
routes dict

A dictionary mapping paths to their associated pages and titles.

paths list

A list of paths registered in the router.

history PageHistory

An object that manages the history of visited pages.

Source code in zenaura/client/
class App:
    Represents a router for managing routes and navigation.

    This class provides methods for adding routes, navigating between pages, and handling the current location.

        routes (dict): A dictionary mapping paths to their associated pages and titles.
        paths (list): A list of paths registered in the router.
        history (PageHistory): An object that manages the history of visited pages.

            Initializes the App with empty routes and paths, and sets up the initial route handling.
            Navigates to the specified path by mounting the associated page and updating the document title and browser history.
            Handles the current location by mounting the associated page and updating the document title.
            Adds a route to the router's configuration.
            Navigates back to the previous Page in the history stack.
            Navigates forward to the next Page in the history stack.
            Get the page and title of the current route, or None if not found.
    def __init__(self, layout=None):
            Initializes the App with empty routes and paths, and sets up the initial route handling.
        # key -> path , value -> [page, document.title]
        self.routes = defaultdict(str)
        self.paths = []
        self.history = PageHistory()
        self._layout = layout

    def layout(self):
        return self._layout

    def layout(self, new_layout):
        self._layout = new_layout 

    async def not_found(self):
        document.title = "Page Not Found"
        page = Page([notFound])
        await zenaura_dom.mount(page)

    async def mount_layout(self) -> None:
            Trigger mount method for layout components if layout is defined
        if self._layout:
            # mount  global components 
            comps = + self._layout.bottom
            for comp in comps:
                if hasattr(comp, "attached"):
                    await comp.attached()

    async def navigate(self, path) -> None:
        Navigates to the specified path by mounting the associated pageonent and updating the document title and browser history.

        path : str
            The path to navigate to.
        # handle route
        matched_route, params = self._match_route(path)
        if not matched_route:
            await self.not_found()

        [page, title, middleware, ssr] = matched_route

        if callable(middleware):

        if ssr:  # Ignore mount step for server side rendering pages.
            await zenaura_dom.mount(page)
            document.title = title

        if not  # self.history.current is initially None
            # set document.title here
            document.title = title
            self.hyd_rdom_toggle_pages_visibilty(, page)

        window.history.pushState(path, title, path)  # Update browser history

        # trigger layout components mount if layout is defined, after 
        # the reason after pushState, middleware
        # global components may be be coupled to a state of route path or middleware
        await self.mount_layout()
        # mount page
        await zenaura_dom.mount(page)

    def run(self):
            facade interface mounts the app on "/" location
            app = App()
                        [counter1, counter2, counter3, counter4]


    def hyd_rdom_toggle_pages_visibilty(self, previous_page: Page, current_page: Page):
        p_page = document.querySelector(f'[data-zenaura="{}"]')
        if p_page:
            p_page.hidden = True  # Hide the previous page
        curr_page = document.querySelector(f'[data-zenaura="{}"]')
        if curr_page:
            curr_page.hidden = False  # Show the current page

    async def handle_location(self) -> None:
        Handles the current location by mounting the associated page and updating the document title.
        # handle home route
        path = window.location.pathname
        matched_route, params = self._match_route(path)
        if not matched_route:
            await self.not_found()
        [page, title, middleware, ssr] = self.routes[path]
        window.history.pushState(path, title, path)  # Update browser history

        if callable(middleware):

        # trigger layout components mount if layout is defined, after 
        # the reason after pushState, middleware
        # global components may be be coupled to a state of route path or middleware
        await self.mount_layout()
        if ssr:  # Ignore mount step for server side rendering pages.
            await zenaura_dom.mount(page)
            document.title = title
        if not  # self.history.current is initially None
            document.title = title # overwrite document.title 
            self.hyd_rdom_toggle_pages_visibilty(, page)

        # visit page
        await zenaura_dom.mount(page)  # Trigger attached lifecycle for each component within the page.

    def add_route(self, route : Route) -> None:
        Adds a route to the router's configuration.

        route : Route
            The route to be added to the router's configuration.
        self.routes[route.path] = [, route.title, route.middleware, route.ssr]

    async def back(self) -> None:
        Navigates back to the previous Page in the history stack.
        previous_page =
        curr_page = self.history.back()
        rdom_hyd.hyd_rdom_toggle_pages_visibilty(previous_page, curr_page)
        await zenaura_dom.mount(curr_page)  # trigger attached lifecycle for each component within the page.

    async def forward(self) -> None:
        Navigates forward to the next Page in the history stack.
        previous_page =
        curr_page = self.history.forward()
        rdom_hyd.hyd_rdom_toggle_pages_visibilty(previous_page, curr_page)
        await zenaura_dom.mount(curr_page)  # trigger attached lifecycle for each component within the page.

    def get_current_route(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Page, str]]:
        Get the page and title of the current route, or None if not found.
        path = window.location.pathname
        matched_route, info = self._match_route(path)
        return matched_route, info

    # TODO still needs a lot of work
    def _match_route(self, path: str) -> Tuple[Optional[Tuple[Page, str, Dict[str, Any]]], Dict[str, str]]:
        Matches the given path to a registered route and extracts parameters.

            path (str): The path to match.

            Tuple[Optional[Tuple[Page, str, Dict[str, Any]]], Dict[str, str]]:
                A tuple containing the matched route information (if any) and extracted parameters.
        for route_path, (page, title, middleware, ssr) in self.routes.items():
            if "*" in route_path:  # Wildcard route
                route_parts = route_path.split("*")
                if path.startswith(route_parts[0]):
                    params = path[len(route_parts[0]):]
                    query = defaultdict(str)
                    if "?" in params: # get all queries
                        newq = "".join(params).split("?")
                        params = newq[0]
                        newq = newq[1]
                        for q in newq.split("&"):
                            k,v = q.split("=")
                            query[k] = v
                    if "/" in params: # get all params
                        params = params.split("/")

                    params = {"wildcard": {"params" : params, "query" : query} }

                    return (page, title, middleware, ssr), params
            elif ":" in route_path:  # Parameterized route
                route_parts = route_path.split("/")
                path_parts = path.split("/")
                if len(route_parts) == len(path_parts):
                    params = {}
                    for i, part in enumerate(route_parts):
                        if part.startswith(":"):
                            param_name = part[1:]
                            params[param_name] = path_parts[i]
                    return (page, title, middleware, ssr), params
            elif route_path == path:  # Exact match
                return (page, title, middleware, ssr), {}
        return None, {}  # No match found


Initializes the App with empty routes and paths, and sets up the initial route handling.

Source code in zenaura/client/
def __init__(self, layout=None):
        Initializes the App with empty routes and paths, and sets up the initial route handling.
    # key -> path , value -> [page, document.title]
    self.routes = defaultdict(str)
    self.paths = []
    self.history = PageHistory()
    self._layout = layout


Adds a route to the router's configuration.


route : Route The route to be added to the router's configuration.

Source code in zenaura/client/
def add_route(self, route : Route) -> None:
    Adds a route to the router's configuration.

    route : Route
        The route to be added to the router's configuration.
    self.routes[route.path] = [, route.title, route.middleware, route.ssr]

back() async

Navigates back to the previous Page in the history stack.

Source code in zenaura/client/
async def back(self) -> None:
    Navigates back to the previous Page in the history stack.
    previous_page =
    curr_page = self.history.back()
    rdom_hyd.hyd_rdom_toggle_pages_visibilty(previous_page, curr_page)
    await zenaura_dom.mount(curr_page)  # trigger attached lifecycle for each component within the page.

forward() async

Navigates forward to the next Page in the history stack.

Source code in zenaura/client/
async def forward(self) -> None:
    Navigates forward to the next Page in the history stack.
    previous_page =
    curr_page = self.history.forward()
    rdom_hyd.hyd_rdom_toggle_pages_visibilty(previous_page, curr_page)
    await zenaura_dom.mount(curr_page)  # trigger attached lifecycle for each component within the page.


Get the page and title of the current route, or None if not found.

Source code in zenaura/client/
def get_current_route(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Page, str]]:
    Get the page and title of the current route, or None if not found.
    path = window.location.pathname
    matched_route, info = self._match_route(path)
    return matched_route, info

handle_location() async

Handles the current location by mounting the associated page and updating the document title.

Source code in zenaura/client/
async def handle_location(self) -> None:
    Handles the current location by mounting the associated page and updating the document title.
    # handle home route
    path = window.location.pathname
    matched_route, params = self._match_route(path)
    if not matched_route:
        await self.not_found()
    [page, title, middleware, ssr] = self.routes[path]
    window.history.pushState(path, title, path)  # Update browser history

    if callable(middleware):

    # trigger layout components mount if layout is defined, after 
    # the reason after pushState, middleware
    # global components may be be coupled to a state of route path or middleware
    await self.mount_layout()
    if ssr:  # Ignore mount step for server side rendering pages.
        await zenaura_dom.mount(page)
        document.title = title
    if not  # self.history.current is initially None
        document.title = title # overwrite document.title 
        self.hyd_rdom_toggle_pages_visibilty(, page)

    # visit page
    await zenaura_dom.mount(page)  # Trigger attached lifecycle for each component within the page.

mount_layout() async

Trigger mount method for layout components if layout is defined

Source code in zenaura/client/
async def mount_layout(self) -> None:
        Trigger mount method for layout components if layout is defined
    if self._layout:
        # mount  global components 
        comps = + self._layout.bottom
        for comp in comps:
            if hasattr(comp, "attached"):
                await comp.attached()

navigate(path) async

Navigates to the specified path by mounting the associated pageonent and updating the document title and browser history.


path : str The path to navigate to.

Source code in zenaura/client/
async def navigate(self, path) -> None:
    Navigates to the specified path by mounting the associated pageonent and updating the document title and browser history.

    path : str
        The path to navigate to.
    # handle route
    matched_route, params = self._match_route(path)
    if not matched_route:
        await self.not_found()

    [page, title, middleware, ssr] = matched_route

    if callable(middleware):

    if ssr:  # Ignore mount step for server side rendering pages.
        await zenaura_dom.mount(page)
        document.title = title

    if not  # self.history.current is initially None
        # set document.title here
        document.title = title
        self.hyd_rdom_toggle_pages_visibilty(, page)

    window.history.pushState(path, title, path)  # Update browser history

    # trigger layout components mount if layout is defined, after 
    # the reason after pushState, middleware
    # global components may be be coupled to a state of route path or middleware
    await self.mount_layout()
    # mount page
    await zenaura_dom.mount(page)


facade interface mounts the app on "/" location e.g. app = App() app.add_route( Route( "Home", "/", Page( [counter1, counter2, counter3, counter4] ) ) )

Source code in zenaura/client/
def run(self):
        facade interface mounts the app on "/" location
        app = App()
                    [counter1, counter2, counter3, counter4]



Bases: Component

Represents a page for displaying a "page not found" message.


render() Returns a Node representing the "page not found" message.

Source code in zenaura/client/
class NotFound(Component):
    Represents a page for displaying a "page not found" message.

        Returns a Node representing the "page not found" message.
    def render(self):
        em = Node("div")
        em.append_child(Node(name="text", children=["page not found"]))
        return em


Represents a route configuration for the App.

Source code in zenaura/client/
class Route:
        Represents a route configuration for the App.
    def __init__(self, title, path, page, middleware=None, ssr=False):
        Initializes a Route with the specified title, path, and pageonent.
        title : str
            The title of the route.
        path : str
            The path of the route.
        page : Page
            A page of pageonents.
        handler : Optional[Callable]
            Optional route-specific logic handler.
        middleware : Optional[Callable]
            Optional route-specific logic handler.
        ssr : bool
            Whether the route is server-side rendered.
        self.title = title
        self.path = path = page

        if not isinstance(page, Page):
            raise TypeError("Only a Page can be mounted on a route")
        self.middleware: Optional[Callable] = middleware  # For optional route-specific logic

__init__(title, path, page, middleware=None, ssr=False)

Initializes a Route with the specified title, path, and pageonent. Attributes

title : str The title of the route. path : str The path of the route. page : Page A page of pageonents. handler : Optional[Callable] Optional route-specific logic handler. middleware : Optional[Callable] Optional route-specific logic handler. ssr : bool Whether the route is server-side rendered.

Source code in zenaura/client/
def __init__(self, title, path, page, middleware=None, ssr=False):
    Initializes a Route with the specified title, path, and pageonent.
    title : str
        The title of the route.
    path : str
        The path of the route.
    page : Page
        A page of pageonents.
    handler : Optional[Callable]
        Optional route-specific logic handler.
    middleware : Optional[Callable]
        Optional route-specific logic handler.
    ssr : bool
        Whether the route is server-side rendered.
    self.title = title
    self.path = path = page

    if not isinstance(page, Page):
        raise TypeError("Only a Page can be mounted on a route")
    self.middleware: Optional[Callable] = middleware  # For optional route-specific logic