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Menu(main_btn, children, show)

Display a menu to the user - triggered by py-click


main_btn -> button used to toggle dropdown menu on click. children -> menu children show -> used to toggle menu visibility

return : Togglable menu with options

Source code in zenaura/ui/
def Menu(main_btn : Button, children: List[ButtonWithAttrsChildren], show : bool) -> "Menu":
		Display a menu to the user - triggered by py-click

		args : 
			main_btn -> button used to toggle dropdown menu on click.
			children -> menu children 
			show -> used to toggle menu visibility
		return : 
			Togglable menu with options

	menu = Div(
		"absolute right-0 z-20 w-56 py-2 mt-2 overflow-hidden bg-white rounded-md shadow-xl dark:bg-dark-gray1" + (" hidden" if not show else ""),

	return Div("flex justify-center", [
		Div("relative inline-block mb-20", [
