Zenaura empowers developers to craft user interfaces entirely using Python. With Zenaura, they can effortlessly decompose their code into modular components, define pages mapped to routes, all within an Object-oriented paradigm. This approach enhances maintainability, scalability, and performance, offering a seamless development experience.
Enjoy a smoother learning curve and faster development process with simplified cognitive load. With intuitive APIs, clear documentation, and well-structured code patterns, you can focus on building your application logic instead of struggling with complex framework internals.
Craft beautiful and user-friendly interfaces effortlessly using a declarative syntax and a rich set of pre-built UI components. This approach simplifies UI development, enhances readability, and promotes consistency throughout your application.
Empower your application with the ability to manage dynamic content that reacts to user interactions and internal state changes. Stateful components can store data, update their appearance based on user action, making them essential for building interactive and responsive user interfaces.
Structure your application as a collection of distinct pages, each representing a different view or section. This approach enhances user navigation and allows you to organize your components and UI elements logically, improving the overall user experience.
Leverage the power of server-side rendering to generate HTML on the server before sending it to the client. SSR can significantly improve initial page load times, enhance SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by making your content more accessible to search engines, and provide a smoother user experience, especially on slower connections or devices.
Optimize your application's UI updates by employing an asynchronous virtual DOM. This technique allows the framework to intelligently track changes in your component data and update only the necessary parts of the real DOM, minimizing unnecessary re-renders and leading to a more performant and responsive user interface.
Enable seamless navigation within your application using a built-in router. Routers handle the mapping of URLs to specific components or pages, allowing users to move between different sections of your application without requiring full page reloads, resulting in a smoother and more engaging user experience.
Simplify the management of application state and facilitate communication between components by using signals. Signals provide a reactive way to propagate data changes throughout your application, allowing components to react to updates and stay in sync without complex manual event handling.
Streamline the management of dependencies between components using dependency injection. DI makes your code more modular, testable, and maintainable by allowing components to declare their dependencies explicitly and receive them from an external injector, promoting loose coupling and flexibility.
Gain fine-grained control over the behavior of your components at different stages of their existence. Lifecycle methods, such as `attached`, `on_mutation`, and `on_settled`, allow you to execute code when a component is created, before it updates, or after it updates in the DOM, enabling you to perform tasks like fetching data, initializing state, and cleaning up resources.
from zenaura.ui import img, h1
def Image(src, alt, width, height):
return img(src=src, alt=alt, width=width, height=height)
def Header1(text):
return h1(text)
from zenaura.client.component import Component
from zenaura.client.page import Page
from zenaura.ui import div, h1, h2, img, a, ul, li
def NavItem(href, text):
return li(a(href=href, text=text))
def NavList(items):
return ul(items)
class Header(Component):
def render(self):
return div(
h1("Zenaura v0.15.0"),
NavItem("#", "Learn"),
NavItem("#", "API Reference"),
top_bar = Header()
landing_page = Page([top_bar])
from zenaura.client.component import Component
from zenaura.client.mutator import mutator
from zenaura.ui import div, h1, button
class Counter(Component):
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
async def increment(self, event) -> None:
self.count += 1
async def decrement(self, event) -> None:
self.count -= 1
def render(self):
return div(
h1(f"Count: {self.count}"),
button("Increment", on_click=self.increment),
button("Decrement", on_click=self.decrement)
from zenaura.client.app import Route, App
from zenaura.client.page import Page
from zenaura.client.component import Component
from zenaura.ui import div, h1
class Counter(Component):
def render(self):
return div(h1("Counter Page"))
counter = Counter()
counters_page = Page([counter])
app = App()
from flask import Flask
from zenaura.server import ZenauraServer
from zenaura.client.page import Page
from zenaura.client.component import Component
from zenaura.ui import div, h1
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder="public")
class Counter(Component):
def render(self):
return div(h1("Counter SSR Page"))
counter = Counter()
counters_page = Page([counter])
def ssr():
return ZenauraServer.hydrate_page(counters_page)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from zenaura.client.component import Component
from zenaura.client.mutator import mutator
from zenaura.ui import div, button
class NonBlockingVirtualDom(Component):
async def non_blocking_updates1(self, event) -> None:
async def non_blocking_updates2(self, event) -> None:
def render(self):
return div(
button("Update 1", on_click=self.non_blocking_updates1),
button("Update 2", on_click=self.non_blocking_updates2)
from zenaura.client.app import Route, App
from zenaura.client.page import Page
from zenaura.client.component import Component
from zenaura.ui import div, h1
class Counter(Component):
def render(self):
return div(h1("Counter Page"))
counter = Counter()
counters_page = Page([counter])
app = App()
from zenaura.client.observer import Subject, Observer
GlobalCounterSubject = Subject()
GlobalCounterSubject.state = {"counter": 1}
class GlobalCounterObserver1(Observer):
def update(self, value):
if value > 4:
print("counter value > 4")
observer1 = GlobalCounterObserver1()
from zenaura.client.component import Component
from zenaura.ui import div
class DependencyInjection(Component):
def __init__(self, dependencies):
self.api = dependencies["api"]
def render(self):
return div(f"API Endpoint: {self.api}")
di = DependencyInjection({"api": "https://api.com/v1"})
from zenaura.client.component import Component
from zenaura.client.mutator import mutator
from zenaura.ui import div
class Lifecycles(Component):
async def attached(self):
# Fetch data or initialize state when the component mounts
async def on_mutation(self):
# Perform actions before the component updates
async def on_settled(self):
# Perform actions after the component updates
def render(self):
return div("Lifecycle Methods Example")